Before developing a SaaS app, you need to know your target market. If you have no idea about your potential customer base, conducting surveys will help you decide which features to include in your application. In addition, you will need to build a research and development team dedicated to your SaaS business.
What is your product’s core offering?
The answer to this question varies from product to product, but most core offerings comprise a tangible good that the customer can use. For instance, a light bulb helps a person see better in low-light situations. Often, a shopkeeper writes the date on the bulb before giving it to the customer, so that the buyer knows when the bulb’s warranty will expire. It also helps the customer decide how much brightness he or she needs and how much wattage he or she wants.
The core offering of a product is its primary benefit to the customer. For example, a healthy snack bar would appeal to a consumer looking for convenience, health, and relief from hunger. Conversely, a student buying the latest in sneakers would be primarily looking for style, status, and freedom. Although these are all valid core offerings, they can be hard to define.
Can you position your app as a value add?
In this age of SaaS startups, positioning your product as a value add is essential to attracting customers. This strategy requires you to create a unique product that stands out from your competition. There are several things that you should consider when positioning your product.
Firstly, you need to be sure your SaaS app is in the prime of its development lifecycle. This means it will not require a major update anytime soon. This will give the new owner some breathing room and demonstrates that the current management hasn’t given up on the product or business.
Another way to differentiate your SaaS app is to ensure that it’s relevant. People are more likely to pay for value if it makes their jobs easier or faster. It may be helpful to use prototyping to validate your ideas before development. Similarly, customization can be an important differentiator. If you can offer custom pricing and product UI, then you are positioned to gain more business.
Do you have the bandwidth to build an app?
Building an app for your SaaS business is not something you should try to do alone. In order to make your app successful, you need to fully understand your users’ needs and the core value of your product. Then, you need to decide whether or not a mobile app makes sense.
When building an app, you should consider the amount of bandwidth you will need to support your project. The bandwidth costs can be large if your application is network-intensive, and they can make up a significant chunk of your cloud computing costs. The price is usually expressed in pennies per gigabyte, and people often overlook this cost until their application reaches a significant scale.
If you want to create a SaaS application, you need to consider the amount of bandwidth your users will need. The most common SaaS applications use multiple servers, which increases the overall amount of bandwidth needed. This can result in poor SaaS performance, especially on mobile devices. To avoid this problem, you can set up separate networks for your users or use MAC address filtering for your mobile devices.
Will you outsource or build in-house?
One of the key benefits of outsourcing your SaaS app development is that you can get the expertise that you need at an affordable price. You can hire a solution architect or senior software engineer to develop the application, which can save you a lot of time and money. Furthermore, you won’t have to go through the recruiting process, which means less training costs and a faster launch time.
On the downside, hiring an in-house development team can be expensive if you don’t have the experience or expertise needed. In addition, your team may be spread across continents, which makes it difficult to meet regularly. Also, it may be difficult to coordinate development efforts if you’re working with a company that is located in a different country. In-house developers have a limited range of skills and experience, which can make it harder to create a high-quality product.
Should you start with Apple Android or both?
If you are launching a new business, it’s worth considering which platform to start with. iOS users have a higher lifetime value than Android users, and they are more likely to spend money on your application. iOS users are also more likely to spend money on in-app purchases, which are very popular on iOS. Therefore, you should start with iOS if you want to maximize your customer base and revenue potential.
The main difference between the two operating systems lies in their features and functionality. Android offers more customization options and freedom, but not everyone needs that. Many Apple users enjoy the native apps Apple provides. Android users, on the other hand, can use a range of other apps.