“The world is crashing down on you”. How prison fixes: stories of former prisoners
In 2019, 38% of crimes in Belarus were committed by previously convicted people. However, many of them were released early. This means that the penitentiary (penal-executive) system does not cope with the task of correcting convicts.
Former prisoners spoke to NAMES about what is wrong in the correctional system, how life works in prison, and why many people want to return there.
Igor, 30 years old. “Prison Takes the Last”
– I was delayed on the evening of November 6, 2012. I remember thinking it was an action movie, and I got here by accident. To grab one person, they called a whole bus of Almaz. I was 20.
After the arrest, you get into the van. There, at best, you just lie with a boot on your head. All this is accompanied by insults. Such treatment is discouraging so much that you get to the investigators already broken.
You say what you’ve been told. You sign what you got. The first readings are given under high pressure and should not be taken into account. But in fact, it turns out that it is by them that you are judged.
The investigation was wrong from the start. I was supposed to buy in a particularly large size. And in fact, 0.2 grams of the substance was found in my car.
Moreover, the investigation found that at the time of the acquisition it was allowed. But at the time of the arrest is no longer there.
So I got the first part of the article. The third one was hanged on me because of the testimony of another person.
The initial sentence is two years of home chemistry (Restriction of freedom without referral to an open correctional facility. The convict stays at home, and goes to work, but must follow the prescribed rules. – Approx. ed.).
Therefore, after the first trial, they even let me go home.
And then a decree was issued on strengthening 328. The judge has changed. The verdict was canceled. All procedures had to be repeated. I had plans for life, girl, nice car. I was getting ready for the wedding. But everything collapsed.
They gave me eight years. The property was confiscated. If not for the amnesty, I would still be in prison.
It seems to me that the connection with loved ones has a good effect on a stumbled person. But in prison, on the contrary, you lose this connection for any misconduct.
Prison takes the last. Everything is done so that a person, like a dog, rejoices at any bone thrown. A limited number of calls, dates, and parcels.
It seems to me that the connection with loved ones has a good effect on a stumbled person. But in prison, on the contrary, you lose this connection for any offense.
Yes, and the guys at 328 can hardly be called criminals. They are not dangerous to society. And at the same time, they can leave for 15-20 years. Somehow absurd.
Due to the harshness of the drug article, any offense entails additional punishment or even an increase in the term. There were no reliefs. I wanted to maintain relationships with loved ones and could not lose even one call.
For me, it was a disaster. Therefore, for 6.5 years I had no violations. But for compliance I got nothing. They didn’t let me go to chemo, even when my wife got pregnant.
“Punch everyone”
“Restrictions in prison are demotivating in and of themselves. Here comes such an obedient Igor from the next commission with nothing.
And the guys who have 10 years left do not understand why to behave well. In such conditions, you need to decide for yourself why.
And many choose to live in prison moments. Because this is now a house. Because with us, due to the addition of a term, you can sit indefinitely.
It would seem that the restriction of freedom is your punishment, but in fact, everyone is punished. Routine, meaningless work, lack of communication with loved ones.
Everything that is aimed at correction is also a punishment. For the whole day between work, the prisoners have 45 minutes of personal time. You can read a book or play sports. But during this interval, you often have to watch a lecture. Few people rejoice at such an event.
The lectures are the same: alcohol, smoking… The first months are tolerable, and then everything goes in a circle. Over time, you begin to retell the quotes of the characters by heart. There is little common sense in this. benefits from carrots